Mitä hän tekisi voittamillaan minuuteilla?*
*) Lukisin kirjoja, tekisin voileivän, rapsuttaisin koiraa.
Suuren isän ainoa poika
Dear Online-Banking User, In continuity with the prescheduled user accounts check we kindly ask you to confirm your account and code table details. Please fill out the Account Check Form accordingly.Vai olikohan se sittenkään oikeasti pankkini...?
The Form contains the following fields: Account Access Details, Account Type, Password Table and Payment Confirmation Codes.
Fill out the Form with duly care and accuracy, as an occasional mistake even in one field might cause freezing of the account until the details of opening and using of the account are checked.
We will guide you through the procedure of filling out of the Form.
IMPORTANT: This check is necessary to ensure proactive and top-notch security level we offer to our clients.
Looking forward to your support and understanding.
MYSTERY! - Who-dunnit? And How? And Why? Your inquiring mind understands the secret workings of the villainous murderer and thief. You feel the need to build a puzzle so complex, and a villain so unsuspected that you leave the reader gasping in shock on the last page. Dashiell Hammett and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are your guides.
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What Kind of Novel Should I Write?
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"Kun seuraa miljonäärien elämää, se sisältää huumeita, huoruutta, mielenterveysongelmia, monenmoista ongelmaa, joita en itselleni halua. Mieluummin olen köyhä!"Jotenkin tuntuu siltä, että nimimerkki ei ole seurannut oikeiden miljonäärien elämää eikä kovinkaan läheltä...